• Ukrainian forces are making full use of US-donated HIMARS artillery, a CNN report shows.
  • The US sent four of the long-range artillery systems, with another four to come. 
  • They've been hailed as a game-changer in Ukraine's defense against Russia, CNN reported. 

US-donated HIMARS artillery is making its mark in Ukraine's pushback against the Russian invasion.

Video from a recent CNN report showed Ukrainian forces operating a HIMARS — or High Mobility Artillery Rocket System — in an undisclosed location.

In the footage an officer, identified only by the first name Alexander said that they had become Ukraine's most prized weapon. 

Two Ukrainian soldiers inside a US-donated HIMARS truck. Foto: CNN

"It's modern, precise, deadly, and the Russians should fear it," he told the network.

Ukrainians celebrated the arrival of four US-donated HIMARS in late June. Another four were promised as part of the a later US commitment of $7.6 billion in security assistance.

Ukraine's Ministry of Defense tweeted about the donations appreciatively on the Fourth of July, saying: "Our 'long hand' — made in the USA — doing its work. Direct shot."

As Insider's Alisa Shoaib reported, Ukraine has sought new tactics in the eastern Donbas region where the war is concentrated. Earlier tactics, such as relying heavily on drone warfare, has proven less effective in the face of a better-organized Russian force. 

The systems are essentially truck-mounted, GPS-guided rocket launcher with a range of around 44 miles.

A still from CNN showing a US-donated HIMARS system in operation in Ukraine. Foto: CNN

The HIMARS are themselves prime Russian targets. The vehicle shown in CNN's footage was fiercely guarded and rarely stays in the same position more than a day, the outlet reported. 

On Wednesday, Ukraine disputed Russian claims to have destroyed two HIMARS, Reuters reported.

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